A downloadable surviving is hard for Windows and Linux

hi there! I'm amirali and i want to tell you about my game.

you can kinda say my game is a top down shooter game. in my game the player is a shooting robot who has his robo brother followimg him,your mission is to defend your self and you brother ,you have an energy bar which will get lower and lower by the time go and if it reach 0,you and your robo bro will be dead.

so what do you do?

well your robo bro can mine materials and more material means more energy so i think you get where I'm going with this,mine  materials so you do'nt die

please tell me if there is any game breaking or normal bug



Install instructions

hi, if the device which your downloading the game on is not windows, please tell me about any problem you had when trying to run the game

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